Hilariously Confusing Optical Illusions That Look Like Food But Definitely Aren't

How many times has this happened to you: it's late, you haven't eaten all day, and you suddenly find yourself hallucinating that your friend is a succulent, mouth-watering roasted chicken? Okay, hopefully not too often, though it doesn't always take hunger pangs to get us to mistake things for food when they definitely aren't. While these objects may seem like they were meant to be eaten, one bite of these "forbidden foods" and you're guaranteed to lose a tooth — or even your life!

Kentucky fried rock

Sorry, KFC fans. This chicken tender isn't the kind of thing you want to be biting into. In fact, it isn't a chicken tender at all — it's a rock! Safe to say, the only person who'd be happy after you snacked on this stone is your dentist...

Spicy bird

What a tasty looking jalapeño! Wait... does that thing have feathers? Believe it or not, this is actually a hummingbird! We definitely wouldn't recommend mixing this little guy in with your guacamole.

World's largest broccoli

Either we've been shrunken down to the size of ants, or that's the biggest piece of broccoli we've ever seen! As it turns out, that's just an ordinary tree... a tree we'd like to smother in cheese and gobble down in one bite!

Sunny side up

Who ordered the fried egg? Mother Nature must have a good bit of experience cooking up breakfast, because this mushroom looks like it belongs on a bagel with some cheese and few slices of bacon. Unfortunately, we'd bet that this funny looking fungus probably isn't safe to eat.