Mechanics Share The Strangest Car Problems They’ve Ever Encountered

Day in and day out, mechanics see the best and worst of humanity...and sometimes, they encounter other creatures along the way, too. From unwelcome "guests" living under the hood to dangerously dumb decor, the oddest things can happen to your car if you're not careful. We’re about to take a closer look at some of the most bizarre issues mechanics have had to deal with. So buckle up, folks — we're in for a bumpy ride!

40. Four-leaf clover

When checking the wheel wells of a customer’s car, this mechanic couldn’t believe their eyes. That’s a tiny four-leaf clover, right? How on Earth did that get there? It must’ve been deceptively strong to survive the journey to the shop. Anyway, we hope it wasn’t disturbed. Think of all that luck that’d be wasted!

39. Rats!

How about this for a truly crazy story? Nothing seemed untoward to begin with. A driver simply visited a mechanic when his car refused to start. So, the latter understandably decided to check the engine. But after doing some digging under the hood, they were greeted by a large group of rats. We think we might know what the problem was...

38. Scorched interior

Did someone take a blowtorch to this car’s interior? What could possibly have caused those scorched lines to appear? Three words: Rain, sunroof, and shrink-wrap. Apparently, the owner’s vehicle accumulated a lot of rainwater on the shrink-wrap-covered sunroof. Then, once the sun came out, it basically turned the wet sunroof into a magnifying glass. Ouch.

37. Noisy brakes

Have you ever had trouble describing a problem with your car to a mechanic? Well, the next time you’re at a loss for words, you could follow this person’s lead. Movie references really do go a long way! We can only hope that the technician had actually seen Finding Nemo; otherwise, they'd still have no idea what the customer was talking about.