30+ Obnoxious Houses Built Solely To Annoy The Neighbors

No matter how beautiful the house or spotless the yard, one bad neighbor is all it takes to turn a dream home into a nightmare. Unlike with weeds or drafty windows, neighborhood drama is no easy fix, leaving homeowners with little they can do — that is, unless they decide to get creative. But instead of ripping out rose bushes or knocking down fence posts, these property owners built "spite homes" to make their feelings clear — and some of them definitely took things a little too far.

Seeing red

All Zipporah wanted was to remodel her home with a basement, but the neighbors wouldn't allow it. They’d be left in shock, however, after Zipporah decided to transform her multimillion-pound Kensington home into a red-striped eyesore. They should've just settled with the basement!

Til spite do us part

Think your marriage ended badly? Back in the early 1920s, one woman demanded her soon-to-be ex-husband build her a replica of their Massachusetts home. The deal was documented for legal purposes, but the location was never specified — so the husband built the home in the middle of nowhere. Harsh.

Down the alley

There was nothing personal with this narrow spite house; just a need to keep people at bay. The original home owner of one of the adjacent homes was tired of strangers invading the alleyway, which was a part of his property, so he took the extreme of building walls to block the way for those pesky pedestrians.

From debt to bet

Before the house was built, this tiny plot of land was scoffed at by the other neighbors. Only one man, Newton Rummonds, believed in the 10-foot wide plot, and, wagering his $100 debt, he bet that he could build a proper home. When the reveal of the beautiful little home came, the man not only had a fantastic home, but was debt free!