Popular Ads From Back In The Day That Would Be Banned Now

We're so used to companies trying to sell us products that it's easy to forget just how different their marketing strategies used to be. These vintage advertisements from the "good-old days" certainly aren't that good. In fact, some are so strange and offensive that they'd send modern-day shoppers running for the hills. If one thing's for certain, it's that none of these ads got the Don Draper stamp of approval.

40. Soda Head

Soda has a bad rap for many reasons. It's sugared up, caffeinated bubble water with plenty of artificial flavoring. But based on this 1950s ad, some parents believed soda was the perfect drink for their little one. Would it be good for their bones? Not at all. But the executives at 7 Up hoped no families caught on.

39. Bed Fellows

Apparently, this backward scene was the best idea that the marketing team at Van Heusen could come up with that day. They were trying to sell ties, but who would've guessed that was the point of the ad? The subservient wife is practically kneeling while handing over the breakfast tray. Either she treats her husband like a king, or maybe the bed was just incredibly high.

38. Dentist Prescribed

There once was a time when cocaine was not only legal but found in products intended for young children. What's really scary is that these toothache drops likely contained ingredients that were even more addictive. Before its many medical drawbacks became well-documented, cocaine was easily available in many over-the-counter forms until well into the 20th century.

37. Hand Difference

It makes sense to market some products differently to men and women, but pens? The pitch here is that the ladies have much smaller hands, so naturally, they need the Compact Jotter pen to navigate the difficult task of writing something down. Note that this condescending product was explicitly made by men.