40 Fishing Photos That Deserve A Second Look

Fishing should be a relaxing sport. Cruise out to a good spot at dawn, cast a line, and kick back, waiting for the telling tug at the rod or surface splash that says fish are present. So, then, how did these photographers capture such chaos in their candid fishing shots? A lot can go wrong in the life of a fisherman, though we "dry landers" probably wouldn't understand. You may have to do a double-take to spot the hilarity in these perfectly timed photos!

40. Rookie Mistake

After years of training to become a fish, this woman finally got her chance when a school of mahi-mahi casually swam by. Unfortunately, it looks like she forgot the first rule of being a fish — never swim near the shore!

39. Afraid of the Catch

Have you ever gone hunting, only to become spooked at the sight of your target's dead body? That's what happened to this poor girl on one of her first-ever fishing trips with her dad. Just look at the way her sweet soul is terrified of her own catch!

38. Suspended With A Pole

This man thought it would be fun to try hanging his kid from a fishing rod but neglected to consider that a human child weighs a boatload more than your average carp. In just a few seconds, the line snapped!

37. The Opportunist

The sight of raging flood waters definitely wouldn't inspire a need to break out the fishing poles for most, but where some see disaster, this guy sees opportunity. Hopefully he just doesn't snag his line on someone's bumper...