People Took To The Internet To Share Their Wildest “Not The Father” Stories

Jerry Springer became notorious — and incredibly popular — for its controversial episodes with taglines like, "You are NOT the father!" And it seems that the Springer spirit is still going strong on the internet to this day. In fact, a person named "a_13ulge" asked the internet, "Doctors and nurses of Reddit, have you ever witnessed a couple have a child that was obviously not the father? If so, what happened?" And you'd better believe that there were some legendary responses.

Note: these entries have been lightly edited for length, clarity, and language.

Teenage nightmare

"She was 16, I was 15. All along I was under the impression that this kid was mine, and [it was] time to be an adult... I finally get the call she is in labor, so I have somebody rush me to the ER. Luckily for her, it wasn't a long labor, only about six hours...

The next evening, Baby is back in the room with us, and all seems well. The ex is asleep, and the same nurse from the night before comes into the room and beckons me out. She states that at risk of her losing her job, she has to break some harsh news to me: that kid is not mine...

Queue a mixed bag of emotions, and me promptly waking the ex to get a little clarification. Come to find out, she knew the chances and was just hoping it was mine because it worked better for her... One DNA test and about six weeks later, I am 0.0% of that kid's father.

Where ever that nurse is now, I hope your life is amazing. I understand that you were not supposed to get involved in the personal side of things and keep it professional, but you saved me a lot of additional headaches." — Nope_Thats_Not_Me

Bio-daddy unknown

"My fiance's father is almost certainly not his biological dad. His mom was just a genuinely terrible human being who didn't even try to hide the fact she was cheating. But his dad loved him from the second he was born. And when the mom decided four years later she just didn't want the kid anymore, she just gave him to his 'dad' and rode off. J's dad ended up getting married, and they tried for kids before finding out his sperm count was too low to ever father children. (They ended up adopting many years later.) He sat my fiance down when my fiance was 13 and told him the truth and that if J wanted to test they would but it was up to him. J cried and told him he just wanted him to be his dad and that was the end of that." — anonymous

Bad neighbors

"I know a girl who was pregnant with her boyfriend's best friend's baby. He found out there was a possibility [of this] about a week before she gave birth. I went up to see her once [the baby] was born, and [the baby] looked just like the friend. There was no question. I broke the news to her boyfriend, and he was absolutely devastated.

She started up a relationship with the friend immediately after having their child, and they're still together a decade later. But the kicker for me has always been that the boyfriend and best friend were next-door neighbors.

She moved into his house after coming home from the hospital. So her ex-boyfriend and his family had to see them basically every day raising this child that they had believed to be his for the entire pregnancy. I can't even imagine." — maybebat

A snip too far

"I had a vasectomy. While chatting with the doctor, he told me about another patient. This guy had three kids and came in for the snip-snip because he and his wife decided they were done having children.

The doc found nothing to snip. This guy was born without the ability to have any children. The poor doctor had to explain to him what happened.

Imagine finding that out that way." — timmg